Work Flavour Bits
Apparently it's de-rigeur to tell everyone about what you do to
earn a crust,
this is all very well but poses something of a problem for people like
me who
aren't quite sure what it is exactly that they do. It varies somewhat you
from month to month. I used to have one regular client - Telecard
UK - who handle
promotional phone cards. Alas all good things must come to an end and having
to work overseas for a few months, I waited for a replacement and then
resigned. Not now
going overseas (Thanks for being such a tit Shariff) and my Tuesdays are
now free too! Anyway,
enough of such things. Their phonecards really are worth taking a peek
at (if you are in the
market for something more exciting than cardboard monsters as a giveaway)
or if you are
a collector (they have a few limited edition phonecards about the place).
Their "Visions
Of Africa" cards are stunning - take a peek at their
Web Site, apart
from anything else, they have a
competition to enter which is drawn each month
and all the answers are on their pages if you look for them.
If you win, you get some limited edition collectors cards (not live) and
a card which has some free telephone time on too.
Anyway, this took care of Tuesdays. As for the rest of the week
it seems to
involve making bespoke gadgets for people, writing software (rare) or solving
business problems for people. Sometimes they pay, sometimes they don't;
Chronos Publishing - but they have a reputation for crapping on everyone,
not just me.
Obviously don't believe in good Karma.
Or common decency for that matter, but still, let's not dwell on such things.
UK Menu Page
Telecard UK Visions
Of Africa